Best Practices To Avoid Scams

There are many success stories when it comes to on-line vacation rentals, but be careful…there are scammers everywhere.  There are bogus renters trying to scam owners and bogus owners trying to scam renters.  How can you make sure of a successful transaction?  There is no fool proof way to make sure you are not being taken, but there are some steps you can take to minimize your risk.

Renters should ask detailed questions, get the address and make sure the property physically exists, check the ratings on the website (if they exist) and make sure you have a rental agreement signed.  If possible, we also recommend speaking with the owner, rather than just making a deal through email.  Most of all, use your instincts.  There are  many alternative properties out there if something just does not sound right with your first or second choice.

One of the most common scams we have seen affecting owners is where a potential renter from overseas agrees to rent your place, then says they accidentally sent too much money and ask you to send the difference back to them.  Don’t send them any money!  They are waiting to see if you agree to this before sending a bogus check.  By the time you realize their check is no good, they have already cashed yours.  We have been posting ads on Craigslist through OVW and Craigslist seems to be where many con artists find their mark.  Be careful.

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